With their transition to flight, bat immune systems have undergone incredible adaptations. They rarely become sick from infections, but show antibodies to many zoonotic viruses. This means that bats come in contact with a wide range of infections, including some of the most deadly zoonotic diseases currently known, but manage to clear them.
I try to understand the relationship between the diversity of bat innate immune systems and bat ecology. For example, Panamanian mastiff bats have low circulating levels of the white blood cells that form the first line of immune defense, and when they are given a standard immune challenge do not show fever or increases in the cells. How do these immune responses fluctuate across a year, and how are these tied to energetic expenditure, food availability, migration, and reproduction?
I try to understand the relationship between the diversity of bat innate immune systems and bat ecology. For example, Panamanian mastiff bats have low circulating levels of the white blood cells that form the first line of immune defense, and when they are given a standard immune challenge do not show fever or increases in the cells. How do these immune responses fluctuate across a year, and how are these tied to energetic expenditure, food availability, migration, and reproduction?